Friday, June 13, 2014

You Don’t Have to Start Big, You Just Have to Start

You Don’t Have to Start Big, You Just Have to Start

When you have a big task ahead you, getting started is the toughest part. Henrik Edberg of The Positivity Blog suggests you stop thinking about how you should start and just start.

Don't get stuck dwelling on the size and vagueness of your goal. Edberg explains what we can do keep from stalling:

Stop thinking that you have to get started in a big and spectacular way. If you have a big goal or dream or even a medium sized one then it is easy to think that you have to take an action of the same size to get started or to get where you want to go.

Instead, Edberg recommends you start small. Ask yourself what is one small step you can do today to get things moving, then do it. Keep it simple with each step and slowly build your way to your much larger goal. Remember, getting started is everything.

3 Things You Need to Stop Doing to Get Started with What You Truly Want to Do | the Positivity Blog

Photo by lee .


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