Monday, June 9, 2014

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

Dear Lifehacker,

I'm looking for a new job. Should I move to a new city where I've heard there are lots of businesses that do what I want to do, or should I tough it out here and see what I can find? The job market here isn't terrible, but I feel like it'd be easier to find work elsewhere. Should I "follow the money," as they say?


Career Hunter

Dear Career Hunter,

It's easy to assume that to work in tech you have to move to Silicon Valley, or to work in marketing you have to move to New York City. Sure, some cities are hubs for specific industries, but that doesn't mean you have to give up everything and move there just to find work. You have a lot to consider. Let's take a look.

Dig Deep and See What's Available at Home

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

Many people assume that because a city is well known for their field, they have to go there. That's not the case. Sure, if you want to work for a specific company, you have to go where that company is located, but even that shouldn't be a "move first, job second" kind of decision. If you want to work in tech, for example, you may be surprised at the options near you. Look at companies headquartered where you live, or large companies with branches in your area. You may find options in your field that you would never have considered.

Want to work in tech? You don't have to move to San Francisco—almost every company or office has an IT department, even if it's a small team. Remember that companies that don't seem like "tech companies" may rely heavily on IT, and need skilled work. Everyone wants to work for Microsoft or Google, but forget that construction companies, marketing firms, and healthcare companies need developers and engineers as much as Google does—and they're often overlooked. Consider working for local or state governments, or schools and universities. My career in tech started in my alma mater's IT department, and while it wasn't the fast-paced glitz and glamour of Mountain View, it was a great job and taught me all of the skills I needed to survive there. Every city is different, but a job that's perfect for you may be hiding under your nose.

Do a Mock Job Search from Home First

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

If you're certain you won't find work where you are, do a mock job search in the city you want to live in. It's easy to say "there are lots of car industry jobs in Detroit," because you assume all the car company headquarters are there. Find out for sure. Pretend like you live there and you're looking for work. Fire up your favorite job boards and visit the web sites of the companies you're interested in. See what's available, and what you're qualified for. Then, head over to Glassdoor,, or PayScale to see how much those jobs would actually pay.

Look over those job openings and ask yourself if they look good to you, and whether you think you could land it, considering you'll probably be up against some serious competition. If you're moving from a small town to a big city, or even from one city to a well-known industry hub, competition increases. You want to make sure you're qualified enough to find well-paying work, the jobs there are jobs you can actually get, and you'll make enough to survive.

Factor In the Cost of Living in Your New City

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

Looking for jobs in a new city is one thing, but making sure you can actually live comfortably is another. Check the city's cost of living to see if you'll be able to find a place to live, buy groceries, or pay for transportation. The Cost of Living Index compares cities directly so you can see how far your dollars will stretch. Expatistan is another helpful simple webapp that we've mentioned before. This previously mentioned MIT calculator can help too, as can this interactive guide. Remember, just because a job in your field pays more in Denver, for example, than in Little Rock, doesn't mean that you'll be able to survive in Denver on that salary—even if it looks like a huge raise to someone living in Little Rock. Compare the salaries you found to the actual cost of living. That big salary won't feel like one when you're spending twice as much on rent and groceries.

Those calculators are useful, but they give you a high-level, averaged view. A city's average rent price may be $1500/mo, but the neighborhoods close to work or safest to live in may come in closer to $2000/mo. You'll need to do your homework and look into the details to learn more. Study the neighborhoods in the city, and where you'd likely want to live. Check housing prices, and use Google Street View to drive around those areas. Check the potential commute to where you want to work. After all, many people flock to Silicon Valley/San Francisco to work in tech, but don't make enough to live anywhere near their jobs.

Don't Forget Moving Costs, Transportation, and Other Relocation Costs

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

Moving before you find a job means you'll be responsible for all of the costs, and you won't have a job to cover them. Even if you're confident enough to move before you find work, don't ignore all of the incidentals associated with moving long distances. Transporting your stuff, finding a place to live, registering your car, switching over your driver's license, getting around town, setting up utilities, and so on can quickly drain your bank account. If you're planning to live on savings until you find work, make sure those savings will last a good long while.

The Bottom Line: Find the Job, then Move

Should I Move to a New City to Look for a Job?

For most people, it just makes sense to find the job and then move. You've already done a mock job search—consider doing the real thing from home. We're assuming you have a job already, so you have the flexibility to look around with a safety net under you. We have a guide to help get you started. Unless you have a spouse or partner who can support you until you find work, or you crash with friends until you land a gig, moving without a job lined up is a recipe for stress and strained finances.

Looking for a job in a city you don't live in can be difficult. You'll have to travel for interviews—sometimes long distances—and do a lot of things sight-unseen. If the company is really interested in you, they may fly you out, or even offer to cover your relocation expenses. If they're not, they may insist you move before they extend a job offer. If you're going to look first, you may want to skip job boards and target specific companies instead. Network with people in those companies and state your interest. If you can make real connections before you even move, you may land a job before you go—or at least have a support network there for you when you land.

It may make sense to move first if you have big savings, you're dabbling in a new career, or you want to move anyway. Some people have skills or jobs that are so portable they can go anywhere. People who work on the internet, for example, or highly trained, highly educated professionals. Most people, however, can't just move to a new city and then start their job search. It's important to look before you leap, and if possible, make sure you'll land softly when it's time to pack your bags.

Good luck,


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Title photo by yskii (Shutterstock) and yskii (Shutterstock). Other photos by Brenda Gottsabend, Robert S Donovan, Jackie, and Egan Snow.


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