Sunday, June 8, 2014

​Save on Car Rentals by Skipping the Airport Counter

​Save on Car Rentals by Skipping the Airport Counter

Renting a car can be an expensive part of your vacation. Save money by avoiding rental companies that operate at the airport.

We've covered tips to save on a rental car before, like booking it with your flight, but you should also consider avoiding rental agencies that are located at the airport. According to Consumer Reports:

While it's terrifically convenient to arrange to rent a car at the airport, the rental counters that are in large metropolitan areas make you pay dearly for the privilege. Onerous fees and taxes are added in so that tourists end up paying for the newest sports arena, helping the city recoup money from bad investments, and subsidize the local coffers. You may be much better off taking a shuttle or rapid transit or even a taxi and renting your car downtown or at a suburban location.

Many people already know this tip, but it's a good idea to remember when booking your summer travel plans. Check out nearby hotels as they'll have free shuttles from the airport and may have a rental car agency associated with the hotel. If they don't have a counter at the hotel, you can get a cab to the agency from there.

Check out the rest of the tips to save on car rentals when travelling by hitting the link.

Save Big Bucks on Car Rentals | Consumer Reports

Photo by Alquiler de Coches.


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