Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Make a Giant Pancake in Your Rice Cooker

Make a Giant Pancake in Your Rice Cooker

Rice cookers aren't just for rice. Put the super versatile appliance to work making an epic pancake.

As you can see from the photo above, the pancake ends up being more cake-like than the thin, flat rounds we're used to. You can cut it in wedges and serve it for breakfast just like a cake:

Make a Giant Pancake in Your Rice Cooker

RocketNews24 points out the biggest benefit of making your pancakes this way (besides the novelty of pancake cakes): Once you've mixed up your batter in the rice cooker, all you have to do is hit the start button and you're done. No need to pour multiple batches, watch over a pan, or do any flipping. If your rice cooker has a timer function, you could even make this overnight.

Take it to the next level by mixing in other ingredients, like chocolate chips, cocoa powder, sliced bananas, or whatever else you want.

How to Make Epic Pancakes with Your Japanese Rice Cooker | RocketNews24


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