Thursday, May 8, 2014

Use Trick Candles to Start Easier Camp Fires

Use Trick Candles to Start Easier Camp Fires

Long after the gag of joke birthday candles wears off, they still have one helpful use: getting that darned campfire lit.

One Reddit user suggested the tip for when you're out in the wilderness, and the breeze is determined to put out any small flame it can find. You try lighting match after match and those sensitive little sticks go right out. Reaching a lighter into the pit is a pain and can also be dangerous. Joke candles—which use fuses similar to what dynamite uses to stay lit—just need to light briefly and you can set them right in the fire pit to get things going with your tinder and whatnot. The other bonus is they're super cheap! You can get a 10-pack for around two to three bucks.

Of course, there are other options for lighting camp fires, but this way is just more fun. Just be sure you're safe and either put the stubborn candles in the fire to burn out or put the candles out directly with water.

Bring trick candles with you camping | Reddit

Photo by Brimstone .


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