Friday, May 30, 2014

Beat Jet Lag with a Feasting and Fasting Diet

Beat Jet Lag with a Feasting and Fasting Diet

The next time you have to cross several time zones, you might not have to put up with the sleep disturbances, headaches, and other ill effects known as jet lag. Follow this four-day anti-jet-lag diet before your trip to reset your inner clock in advance.

The Argonne Anti-Jet-Lag Diet was developed in the '80s at the U.S. Department of Energy's Argonne National Laboratory. Many travelers swear by it, and a military study in 2002 found those who went on the diet were seven times less likely to experience jet lag when traveling west and 16 times less likely when traveling east.

The diet consists of alternating feast days (lots of proteins and carbs) and light fasting days (foods like broths, salads, and toast), as well as drinking coffee and other caffeinated beverages only at certain times.

It sounds tough, but if you're going on a long trip, it might well be worth it, and maybe even easier than fasting completely for sixteen hours.

The Argonne Anti-Jet-Lag-Diet | Netlib via Quartz

Photo by fodwyer .


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