Every week, we share a number of downloads for all platforms to help you get things done. Here were the top downloads from this week.
Web: It's best to have a checklist when you are travelling so you don't forget anything, but making one can be a hassle. What To Pack is a simple Web app that auto-generates a starter checklist based on your requirements.
Import.io Turns Web Pages Into a Useable Data Table
Windows/OS X/Linux: When you're gathering data for research or a project, it can be laborious entering each individual piece of information into a table. Import.io can grab data from a web page's code and create tables for you.
Wiser Launcher Makes Android Phones Simpler
Android: Android smartphones can be complicated for some people. Wiser is a new launcher that makes the smart OS easy and simple to use.
EndlessTV Streams Videos on your Phone Without the Ads
Android/iOS: Having to watch a 15-second commercial before you can view the 30-second video you really want to see is annoying. EndlessTV, available for Android and iOS, streams popular video clips to your device without forcing you to watch commercials.
Noisli for iPhone Creates Customizable Background Noise
iOS: We're fans of the Noisli web app that allows you to chain together different background sounds to create your own little productivity bubble. Now, the web app's available on the iPhone.
How to Get the Play Music iPad App Hidden Inside the iPhone Version
iPad (jailbroken): If you have an iPad and love Google Play Music, you've been stuck using the iPhone version of the app for awhile. Tucked away inside the iPhone version, however, is a far more tablet friendly view. Here's how to enable it with a simple tweak.
Chorus Is a Powerful Web-Based Remote Control for XBMC
Chorus is an add-on for XBMC that lets you remotely manage, build playlists, queue up videos, organize your library, and do just about anything you want with your media center—all from the comfort of a browser window on another device.
BillGuard Alerts You When a Retailer or Bank You Use Is Breached
Android/iOS: BillGuard, the service that already notifies you of questionable charges andmonitors your credit for you, now also offers personalized data breach alerts. Now, if a bank, credit card, or retailer you frequent loses data in a security breach, the app will notify you immediately.
PureContact, the Visual Contact Manager and Dialer, Is Out for iPhone
iOS: PureContact, a gesture-driven contacts manager and speed dialer that was previously Android only, is now available for the iPhone as well. You'll see all of your contacts in a grid arranged by their faces, and you can assign gestures to call, text, WhatsApp, or email them.
CARROT Fit Adds New Exercises, Seven Minutes in Hell Workout, and More
iOS: CARROT Fit is one of the goofier ways to coerce yourself into getting into shape, and today's it gets an update with a ton of new features that makes it a lot more useful.
Food Builder Generates Nutrition Facts for Your Meals From Ingredients
Android: Nutrition fact labels can be handy as a general guide for the health contents of the food we eat. Unfortunately, your home cooked meal doesn't come with the label. Until now.
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