Friday, May 9, 2014

Netflix Is Now $1 More Expensive For New Members

Netflix Is Now $1 More Expensive For New Members

Remember that Netflix said in April that its service was going to get more expensive? Well it has: from now on, new members will have to pay $9 a month instead of the current $8.

In an email sent out this norming, Netflix announced the increase, which has already hit Europe:

In order to continue adding more movies and TV shows, we are increasing our price from $7.99 to $8.99 for new members. As a thank you for being a member of Netflix already, we guarantee that your plan and price will not change for two years.

So, good news for existing customers, who will see a price freeze for at least two years, bad news for anyone still to try out the streaming service. It's not a lot, but be sure to give yourself a little kick if you were putting off signing up until the weekend.


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