Monday, May 5, 2014

Make Your Own No-Hassle Vegetable Stock Without a Recipe

Make Your Own No-Hassle Vegetable Stock Without a Recipe

The great thing about making your own stock is that, besides using up scraps and leftovers that would otherwise be compost, you get a flavorful base for future soups, stews, or other dishes. Food52 shows us how to make a simple vegetable stock with no fuss, no recipe, and no hurry.

At its heart, a stock is really a bunch of different ingredients tossed together into a pot and simmered to extract as much possible flavor into the water. It's always been made with scraps, bones, and cuts that no one wanted (or could eat,) so the fact that there are convoluted recipes for broth is kind of unnerving. We've talked about how to make a good chicken stock before, but if you want a vegetable stock, Marian Bull suggests filling a gallon-sized freezer bag full of vegetable scraps (or full veggies, whichever)—onions with the peels still on, cloves of garlic, carrots, celery, stuff like that. Grab some herbs, too.

Salt a big pot of water, like a dutch oven or a big stew pot, and toss in the veggies. Bring it all up to a boil, then turn it down to simmer, cover it, and walk away. The flavors will deepen as time passes, so taste it periodically, add a little salt if you need to, and let it do its thing. Now here's the secret: In the last ten minutes of cooking, add a little white wine or vermouth—it does a lot to boost the flavor, and you get a glass of wine out of the deal. Strain it, let it cool, then store it in the fridge, or freeze it for future use.

Hit the link below for a photo walkthrough, and some tips on the types of veggies to include in a good stock, and which ones to avoid.

How to Make a Vegetable Stock Without a Recipe | Food52


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