Friday, April 25, 2014

Go the F**k Home

We've talked a lot about finding a good work/life balance, and a lot of us find it pretty difficult. Developer/designer Pam Selle disagrees, saying that as long as you remember a few key things, it should be pretty easy to stop working at the end of the day and get back to your life.

Blast from the past is a weekly feature at Lifehacker in which we revive old, but still relevant, posts for your reading and hacking pleasure. This week, we're re-sharing one of our favorite talks, as a reminder to go the f**k home and enjoy the weekend.

The talk is very short; only about 5 minutes, so I highly recommend you watch it right now. However, if you want the even briefer gist, it's this:

  • Time is money. When you work extra hours, you're earning less money for your time.

  • Get off Facebook and get your work done while you're at work. As we've said before, surfing the web at work can help your productivity, but if you're prone to slacking off more than you are working, you've crossed the line from good slacking to bad slacking.

  • If you can't name two things you're regularly doing outside of work, you're spending too much time there.

  • Keep an excuse handy to leave work—whether it's a night class, an appointment you need to make, or even dogs you need to feed. Find a reason to get out of there at 5.

That may seem a little over simplistic, but the talk's bluntness is what helps it get its point across. It's also pretty humorous (though it has some NSFW language, be warned), so check out the video above to see the whole thing. And, if you're still sitting at work while you're reading this...go the f**k home.

"Go the F**k Home" - My Ignite Talk | Pam the Webivore via @ginatrapani


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