Android (Rooted): Xposed Framework is one of our favorite ways to personalize your Android phone, and the framework just updated to make it a bit more user-friendly for newbies, and to show off potential risks with specific mods before you install them. Here's what's new.
The Xposed Framework app itself still requires your Android phone be rooted, and it doesn't support every device, but the new version includes a visual overhaul that makes modules easier to find, filters experimental and beta mods by default, and shows you when a mod was last uploaded and updated right there in a new card-style interface. Additionally, before you install any new mod, the app warns you if there'll be any potential conflicts with other mods you have installed or with your system, and will link you out to FAQs for that mod so you can read more.
Of course, if you choose to proceed anyway, you can, and you can always turn off the filtering that hides experimental and beta mods and see everything if you prefer. If you're not sure if Xposed is for you, check out our guide (linked above) or our rundown of Xposed versus installing a new ROM before you give it a whirl. If you already use it, hit the link below for the update.
Xposed Installer versions & changelog | XDA Developer Forums via Android Police
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