Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Use Range, Frequency or Scale to Quantify Your Resume

Use Range, Frequency or Scale to Quantify Your Resume

It is important to quantify your resume as numbers make your claims seem valid. But what if you don't work with something that can be boiled down into hard numbers? The Daily Muse advises using range, frequency or scale.

If you have a floating number of clients that you speak to on a regular basis, quantify it as a range and provide context for it by adding the frequency. For example, instead of "supervised undergraduate students", write "supervised 7-12 undergraduate students per year." Adding scale to this shows the importance of your task. Here's an example of what adding all these elements together can look like:

Before: Responsible for chairing the Student Event Promotional Committee.

After: Chaired promotional committee of 12 and presented marketing plans to an audience of 40 to 60 students at weekly university senate meetings open to all 2,000 community members.

The second one is more impressive, right? And it's not fluff either, these are things you accomplished, but reframed to make them look better. Read the whole article below for detailed examples of range, frequency and scale.

How To Quantify Your Resume Bullets (When You Don't Work With Numbers) | The Daily Muse

Photo by the Italian voice .


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