Matt Pollard's desktop has a color scheme after our own heart—green and black, and packed with tools as well as room to work. Here's how he set it all up, and how you can too.
Matt submitted this desktop to our Desktop Showcase, which is what you should do if you want to see your setup featured here! All you need to do is post a screenshot to your Kinja blog (the one that came with your commenter account) along with the wallpaper, widgets, and other tools you used to customize it.
Here's what Matt used to customize his Windows desktop:
- The wallpaper from Wallpaper Bod
- The Rainmeter system tweaking and monitoring tool for Windows
- The Eker Lina suite for Rainmeter for the majority of the individual desktop widgets
- The Corner Calendar Rainmeter skin for the rotating calendar in the lower left
- RocketDock for the app launcher on the right side
- The Soft Glass Skin for RocketDock
- The Token icon pack for RocketDock
- The Placebo visual theme for Windows (Black Market 2) to transform the look and feel of the taskbar and Windows
There are a lot of moving parts, but when put together they all work together nicely and work together well. The widgets are relatively small, and there's plenty of room to work among all of them, or just cover them up if you need to. If you like what you see or have any questions about how Matt set everything up, head over to his Kinja blog to ask your questions! Let him know how much you like his work, while you're there.
Do you have a good-looking, functional desktop of your own to show off? Share it with us! Post it to your personal Kinja blog using the tag desktop showcase or add it to our Lifehacker Desktop Show and Tell Flickr pool . Screenshots must be at least at least 640x360 and please include information about what you used, links to your wallpaper, skins, and themes, and any other relevant details. If your awesome desktop catches our eye, you might get featured!
The Green Simplicity Desktop | Matt Pollard
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